
Our mission is to discover, develop, validate and implement biomarkers in clinical trials that support optimised treatment of patients with cancer.

World leading translational research

Detecting cancer earlier, predicting treatment responses, anticipating side effects, supporting development of new personalised treatments

A team science approach

Working at the interface between discovery scientists and clinical researchers to harness knowledge of tumour biology to deliver impactful tests in patient samples for better outcomes.


The CRUK National Biomarker Centre provides state-of-the-art facilities where researchers can further develop both their science and their careers in a highly collaborative and supportive environment. Find information about the roles we have on offer.

Our Opportunities
we are beating cancer.

Our research

Nucleic Acids Biomarkers

Translational Immunology

Rare Cells

Preclinical Pharmacology

Digital Cancer Research

Tissue Biomarkers

Bioinformatics & Biostatistics
