The Nucleic Acids Biomarker team is dedicated to answering questions in cancer biology and medicine with innovative technologies and computation. We focus our research on identifying biological patterns in human bio-fluids, developing experimental and computational methods to mine these data, and create tools to put these resources into the hands of biologists, engineers, and clinicians.
We aim to discover new signatures from biological and pathological processes by analysing and sequencing cell-free nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) from liquid biopsy. Our interests cover the breadth of analytes and nucleic acids in liquid biopsy, and the depth of omics layers (genomic, epigenomic, fragmentomic, transcriptomic). We develop experimental and computational methods to decode, understand and leverage these complex signatures. We apply these methods to unlock new clinical applications, to improve our understanding of cancer, treatment response and toxicity, and explore non-invasive ways to track the cancer hallmarks. We collaborate broadly with academic, clinical, and industrial partners to demonstrate the impact of our research in a multiple cancer types and clinical scenarios.
We believe that anyone around the world should be able to use and build on our work. We push to develop methods, protocols, software, tools, datasets that are open and freely available.
Deputy Team Lead
Translational Projects Manager
Higher Scientific Officer
Principal Bioinformatician
Clinical Fellow
Scientific Officer
Clinical Fellow
Scientific Officer
Senior Scientific Officer
PhD Student
Scientific Officer
Postdoctoral Scientist
PhD student
Scientific Officer
Senior Scientific Officer
Scientific Officer
Scientific Officer
Scientific Assistant
Scientific Officer
PhD Student